DDNA tests aren't just for diagnosing potential genetic disorders in Bengal cats, they are also a great tool for gaining insight into the colors our bengals have and what colors they carry. We do a full DNA panel on all of our breeding bengals. Check out our Bengal Cattery Health Testing and DNA Results on our documents page. Understanding bengal colors and the genetics of them is a great way to be able to predict potential litters and pair cats based on color lines as well.

The standard Bengal cat colors are:
- Brown Bengals
- Silver Bengals
- Snow Bengals (White Bengals)

Snow Bengals are split into three types:
- Snow Lynx
- Snow Mink
- Snow Sepia

But thats not all!
Non-Standard Bengal Colors are:
- Charcoal Bengals
- Blue Bengals
- Black Bengals (Melanistic Bengals)

Bengal color genetics example blue snow white black melanistic snow lynx snow mink silver brown bengal color
Click on image to see full picture

Chalk Mountain Bengal Color Lines
We focus mainly on Brown Bengal kittens and Silver Bengal Kittens.
A few of our cats carry Snow color markers (Snow Lynx and Snow Mink)
They also carry Charcoal and Melanistic as well.
We currently do not have the genetics to produce a Blue Bengal Kitten or Snow Sepia Bengal Kitten.