Chalk Mountain's Queen Juno
Registered Name: Almazzone Juno
I have never met a friendlier Bengal than our little June Bug.

I wasn't kidding when I said Juno was friendly. She isn't the normal bengal amount of friendly - Juno takes it to another level. She will follow you everywhere and just enjoys everyone. You cant escape Juno's attention and she will convince everyone to give her a scratch on the tummy or a snuggle. Our little June-bug isn't always up for playing with toys, but she can certainly give you a run for your money if you get a feather out. Juno is a master at getting into things, you better not leave anything close to the outside of her cattio, because she will reach out and snatch it away.

Juno is a healthy Momma! She is up to date on her yearly hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) screening and has always stayed certified clear of any heart conditions. Our screenings are done by a licensed Cat Cardiologist. Her most recent HCM echo was done in 2024. If you would like proof of her HCM scan you can see it on our website under the documents page. Documentation of our fully health tested Bengal Cattery. We go the extra mile and HCM scan our bengal cats to make sure we're breeding the best possible bengal kittens we can. Most bengal breeders don't do the testing because it's expensive, check out our info on bengal breeder health testing.
Juno has also had a full Wisdom DNA Panel done. The Wisdom Panel is the world's most comprehensive cat DNA test and is developed by leading geneticists and veterinarians. Along with insuring that our June-Bug is 100% bengal breed, it also screens for 45+ health tests, 25+ trait tests, and blood type. Juno tested negative for every single health test in the Wisdom Panel. Proof of testing can be provided to you if requested. All of our cats are negative for PK-Def, PRA, and any other genetic disease that the Wisdom Panel tests for. Bengal cat DNA testing documentation from our Bengal Cattery
DNA Traits
Juno is a brown bengal with beautiful circular rosettes with two different colors in her rosettes. She also carries snow based off of her genetics. There is an exciting possibility for snow in Juno's litters.
Like many of the bengals in our breeding program, Juno has the Glitter Gene. This is gene literally makes our bengal kittens glitter in the sunlight. All about Bengal kitten glitter genetics