Chalk Mountain's Queen Klein
Registered Name: Glitznspotz Chalk Mountain FF Klein
Our sweet Klein is a spunky girl who loves chasing toys and playing with the kids.

As a kitten, Klein was the highest jumper and the fastest at chasing toys. She didn't always have the most patience for a cuddle and would rather be active. It was always funny to see her race through the house as fast as she could until she slid across the hard floor. As an adult that has changed a bit. She is now more patient and calm, enjoying neck scratches and a good brushing now and then. Her love of toys has not been lost as an adult though. She is still quick to join the kids in some fun play, or chasing butterflies outside.

Klein is an extremely healthy girl, she is up to date on her yearly hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) screening and has always stayed certified clear of any heart conditions. Our screenings are done by a licensed Cat Cardiologist. Her most recent HCM echo was done on June 2023. If you would like proof of her HCM scan please let us know.
Klein has also had a full Wisdom DNA Panel done. The Wisdom Panel is the world's most comprehensive cat DNA test and is developed by leading geneticists and veterinarians. Along with insuring that Klein is 100% bengal breed, it also screens for 45+ health tests, 25+ trait tests, and blood type. Klein tested negative for every single health test in the Wisdom Panel. Proof of testing can be provided to you if requested.
DNA Traits
Klein comes from a long line of brown bengals with black rosettes. Based on the results of her genetic testing she is a pure Brown spotted bengal with no genetic markers for other color varieties.
One fun fact about Klein is that she has a Glitter Coat. This is a gene that makes the hair a softer texture and has an iridescent sheen to it. In the shade they look super shiny, and in the sun their coat can look like it's been sprinkled with golden dust.