Chalk Mountain's King Armani
Registered Name: Doubledbengals Chalk Mtn FF Armani

As a kitten, Armani wanted the be a part of our daily lives 24/7. His love for attention gave him a special spot in our family, less like a cat and more like the loyal family dog. Even Bart (who is secretly more of a dog guy) absolutely ADORES Armani. Armani was a bit picky about which toys he was interested in. He was all about the fluttery feathers, and less interested in chasing balls or floor toys. As an adult he is still his affection loving self, announcing very vocally if he doesn't get the attention he feels he disserves (which is ALL the attention). Armani loves being outside with the kids but instead of chasing grass hoppers like the other cats, he is more interested in following kids around and "helping" with what ever we're doing.
Our Loss
We lost Armani too soon and it was the greatest loss our little cattery has ever had to experience. Mourning a four legged family member is incredibly difficult.